Tips to Prevent Winter Season Diseases
Category : Mens & Womens
Fluctuation and change in season doesn’t suits on every person it affects the person in every way. Especial winter season mostly affect every person. Cold, cough and flu are common problems in winter as you know and you must be familiar with the sore throat. But you can protect yourself from these seasonal winter diseases. You won’t need physician this time by using these simple kitchen remedies.
Honey and ginger
Honey and ginger paste can remove your irritation in the throat. The essence of ginger is very beneficial for sore throat. Ginger also has the qualities of antibiotic. If you want to get rid of sore throat simply make a paste of ginger and add honey in it with equal amount and mix it well. If you don’t like its taste then you can also add this paste in a glass of milk and can drink to feel better.
Turmeric root
turmeric powder will be prove beneficial for season diseases you can take it with milk moreover you can also inhale its smoke by burning a knot of turmeric root. These remedies will sooth you from cough and irritation in the throat.
Flax seeds
Flax seeds have been used since ages to sooth seasonal allergies and to recover from them. You have to boil flax seeds with in water and make a thick paste through it. Then add lemon and honey in to this. Use this paste thrice in a day to kick out all seasonal allergies and diseases as well.
Brown sugar
Brown sugar is very good in winter season and it has many benefits as compared to plain sugar. It is best medicine for winter. Boil black pepper in the water then crush them in a fine paste then add honey and brown sugar in it and don’t forget to add turmeric in to this paste. Your cough and cold paste is ready to use and eat this medicine twice a day and see the difference. This paste can you relieve from chest infection.
Spice tea
Spice tea is famous for relieving pain and thrill of winter season. The recipe of making it is very simple. Simply throw tea leaves in boiling water later add ginger powder, black pepper, cinnamon paste and milk in it. It is very delicious sort of teat to drink. You can also add honey in to it in order to enhance its taste and aroma.