Remove Upper Lips Hair Naturally at Home
Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip
Facial hair is normal thing in every men and women. But is looks awkward on women faces. It happens around chin, cheeks and forehead. Hair on upper lips is also a major problem in women. This problem may vary from small hairs to mustache which is obviously so embarrassing. You can easily remove upper lips hair naturally at home by using the following tricks.
You can remove hair through waxing. It is very common and mostly usable remedy for better result. Take mild warm wax and apply it on the upper part of your lips, put a small cotton piece of cloth and put on it. Press gently and then pull up the cotton strip quickly. By using wax you can reduce the growth of unwanted hair from your face.
You can also apply the mixture of egg white, sugar and flour. Take one tablespoon of each egg white, flour and sugar. Mix it well and apply this mixture with spatula on upper area of lips and leave for 30 min. Now gently peel of the layer against the direction of hair. Do this remedy thrice a week to stop the upper lip growth of hair.