How to Remove Unwanted Facial Hair Quickly
Category : Beauty , Women , Women Skin And beauty
Every girl on the planet has unwanted facial hair that is very horrible experience it makes skin rough and dull and less attractive. These hairs do not confine to the face it go on spreading on the neck and extended toward ears.
Waxing on these areas is painful experience because is super sensitive skin as compared to the other whole body it also appears on the fore head… the thickness of these hair vary from person to person . It depends partially on hormonal changes or due to the diet we intake.
Hormonal imbalance causes thickness and rigidness in that hair. If we want t
o make it light first of all we should cure this change first and then move toward removing them. People do shy just because of these hairs so they tend to remove them in order to achieve high class fine beauty.
Facial hair due to poly Cystic syndrome is disturbing to have them at all. The main symptoms of the PCOS are irregular periods in girls and pimples on their cheeks.
On the other hand they people who are fond of protein tend to grow thicker and denser hair on the body as well as on the face.
On emergency bases we should quit red meat, egg and fish they are rich in protein and end up making your hair stiff.
Waxing is very renowned method among young girls. Homemade wax can be prepared through sugar or honey and it can b flavored along with aloe era or lemon. After using this it leaves your skin smooth silky and glowing.
Take a cup of pure water and boiled at burning point then add t bowl of sugar into it after making caramel paste leave it for five minute to cool down then add some lemon into it.
You can also make aloe era flavor through it you should add aloe paste into the caramel paste instead of lemon.
After making this save this into a jar and keep it in a cool dry place.
After shower removing dirt and sweat apply a thin layer of wax on desired area of skin and spread a patch of cotton over it pat with the hand for two minutes then pull it off with a jerk. All your hair would be shed off.
Apricot paste
Take a medium sized apricot and pull out its seeds and grind it into the thick paste. Add some honey into it. Apply over the hairy patch and let it dry for some time then pull the sheet of this paste without rubbing. This membrane will remove all your thick and thin hair from the skin.
With gram powder
Take fine grind gram add honey and lemon into the paste apply over all your face then let it dry after this rub with your palm it will eradicate you unnecessary hair.