How to Grow Hair Long
Long hair with extra shine and luster is the emerging urge of every girl. On this planet no girls exist who likes small rough hair. Girls put some extra effort to increase the length of their hair to look prominent in their friend circle.
Tips and Tricks on How to Grow Hair Long
Regular trimming
Make your habit to trim the split ends and damaged hair in regular manner. It will cut down their nutrition need and provide them healthy stream .when you observe split ends grab a scissors and trim them about 2 inches
. It is healthy activity for your hair.
Conditioner after shampoo
Every time after shampoo apply a walnut size conditioner over your shoot of hair not on your scalp it will cause itching and rash. Keep this thing in your mind shoots need lipids and proteins not scalp. So don’t feed your scalp instead of shoots.
Frequent use of soap and shampoo
In every shower don’t use shampoos if you are doing this stop this practice. Fact is that due to frequent shampooing your hair lost their actual and natural moisture which is major cause for hair fall. Moreover don’t wash your hair with soap it contains bicarbonate that will make your hair rough and dull.
Oil massage
Every beauty conscious girl knows this oil can provoke the beauty of hair. Our hair are made up of protein for constant care they need oil. For massage purposes use warm oil and massage them on scalp leave them for half an hour then rinse it with normal water.
Hair mask
Every week apply hair mask on your hair it will restore your hair shine. Several hair mask are available in the market try them if you don’t want to try them make your own grab a bowl of curd and add some crushed melon into them apply it. Leave for 20 minute then wash it.
Diet plan and supplements
For proper growth take proper nutritional diet that contain minerals and several vitamins. Don’t skip any meal specially breakfast. Stuff your meal with fresh vegetables and fruits. Also eat dairy products like cheese ,milk and curd . Eat salmon fish and walnut it contain vitamin E and omega three fatty acids. Take supplements for zinc that will boost you need for the nutrition.
Brush your hair gently
If you want to make them longer brush them gently that in case if you are breaking hair it will remain small in growth. Start brushing in same direction doesn’t move brush randomly.
Don’t wrap your hair under towel
After taking shower don’t wrap your hair with towel or cloth it will break your hair and it won’t allow hair to grow further.
Do not tie hair tightly
if you are habitual to tie hair with pony tail or in different styles like bow emit regent it will assemble your hair in arbitrary form can cause breakage of hair.
Do not take cold shower
Stop taking cold showers it cause hair fall and damage showers, it opens pours of skin and let the dust enter into them. That is the major cause of sebum so always take shower with warm water.
Avoid extra work out on hair
Don’t frequently bleach hair it burns the upper layer of hair. Heat iron straightening will also make your hair rough and blow drying will make the roots of hair weak and vulnerable.
If you want to dye your hair kindly collect well reputed hair dyer from the market. It will lower the risk of hair fall.