Category Archives: Diet Plans

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functions of fibers

Functions of Fibers

The word fiber is derived from the ancient Latin word fibro means thread. The microscopic structure of fibers are little tiny threads. Fibers are mostly found in plants and vegetables and fruits that grow on them.
Your healthy diet is incomplete eating fiber in your daily meal.

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Benefits of Herbal Tea

Benefit of Herbal Tea

Category : Diet Plans , Diet Plans

There are several Benefit of herbal tea. Herbal teas are those teas which are made up with different herbs.
There are multiple benefits of herbal tea such as these are light in calories.
Each herb contains different characteristics and properties. So every

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Benefits of Lipids in Human Body

Lipids belong to the cholesterol family and its chemical structure formula is just like bond of fat. The lipids are insoluble in water and oils are also a form of lipids and fats

There is myth that all fats are bad for the health that is not right. Fats are infused with several heavy 

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dry fruit benefits

Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits

Category : Diet Plans , Diet Plans , Mens , Women

People don’t fill their lives with healthy foods. While watching TV people tend to eat oily snack which make them out of shape. These sort of unhealthy junk foods badly affect their stomach and brain as well. Junk food stuffed with extra calories instead of vitamins and essential minerals. Many people of us in dilemma

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benefits of dried plum

Benefits of Dried Plum

Category : Diet Plans , Diet Plans , Mens , Women

Dried plum seems delicious in eating and it also consumed in several dishes for taste. Dried plums are also referred as prunes and it is complete remedy for the digestive issues which you face in daily life.

According new research that scientists have revealed that plums have several benefits for health but it is consumed

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brain booster

Brain Booster/Food For Brain

Have you thought that if you are getting sufficient nutrition for your brain? If you kid or husband use to forget necessary detail of daily chores then don’t need to worry about these things.

Wholegrain meal

Eating smart food is very necessary for all ages. Always eat healthy food to provide your brain booster

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natural detox water

Natural Detox Water

Many people wonder what the detox water is and how it really works on our body and mental health. In this health of article I am going to reveal you about the benefits of consuming detox water in daily life.

What is the detox water

Detox water is the normal water which is tainted with several vegetable and fruits to add

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healthy breakfast recipe

Healthy Breakfast Recipe That Will Help You in Summer

Vanilla latte smoothie bowl

You Morning is usually starts from coffee of your choice and breakfast smoothie just joined at the hip. This full of goodness pack bowl is having powerful protein punch to keep you energetic all the day.

Here is Healthy breakfast recipe:

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