Category Archives: Nutrition Tip

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Benefits of peanut butter

Benefits of Peanut Butter for Health

People mostly like to eat peanut in dry fruits. Some of them like to eat salty peanut. Peanut butter is also very famous in breakfast table. Most of people are fond of it and enjoy with the delicious taste of it. There are many benefits of peanut butter for health. People also use it for weight loss. Eating peanut or peanut butter helps to reduce weight because it reduces the desire of hunger. It helps to reduce the chances of colon cancer in women.

It is full of with mono- saturated fat so according to study it is clear that people who ate mono-saturated fat has less belly fat than the people who ate saturated fat. It is full of nutrition and provides you energy all the day and keeps you active all time. Peanut is full of iron so peanut butter helps for the correct functioning of your red blood cells. It is also rich in calcium and help to promote your healthy bones. It helps to make your brain health and active.

You can get great source of protein through it. It also help to decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health conditions.

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foods fight with stress

5 Super Food to Fight with Stress

In this modern and busy life a large number of people leads to stressful life. If someone goes to a long stress for long time it might bring negative impact on your body and health. Here, I am describing about most usable 5 super food to fight stress. Use of these foods will help you to reduce your depression as well as stress.

  1. Oranges: These have many benefits for health, these are full of with vitamin C and a rich amount of antioxidants in it. It helps to fight with stress. So you can take a glass of orange juice when you are suffering with stress or depression.
  2. Almonds: it’s a best choice when you are thinking to get relief from stress. It’s an amazing type of fiber and full of with vitamin A and E.
  3. Green tea: it is full of with antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenol. Antioxidants are the great source to change your mood. Drink a cup of green tea in state of anxiety you feel difference very soon.
  4. Milk: people who drink a glass of milk regularly feel less stressed. It provides vitamin A and D, calcium along with antioxidants to the body.
  5. Dark Chocolate: most of people fond of it. When you feel stressed eat some dark chocolate, it will boost your mood and reduce your stress level.

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boost up your metabolism

Top 5 Foods which helps to boost your Metabolism

As all of you know that boost in metabolism help to reduce weight. Most of people follow many diet plans to lose weight and use many food for this purpose. There are many food and fruits which help to boost your metabolism, top 5 foods are follows:

  • Fruits which are low in carbohydrate and sugar level are very useful. Water melon, avocado are examples of these fruits.
  • Oatmeal is also very helpful to reduce your cholesterol level because these are rich in fibers and also help to make increase in your metabolism.
  • Ginger has boosting metabolism properties, it is mostly use in those food products which use in weight loss.
  • Almonds are full of with fatty acids which promote the increase rate in metabolism.
  • Black coffee is also boost your metabolic rate. Caffeine in coffee helps to improve your blood circulation.

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benefits of apple cider vinegar

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

All of you are familiar with name of apple cider vinegar. According to quote “An Apple in a day keeps a doctor away”, clearly defines the benefits of apple. Same like there are also many health benefits of apple cider vinegar. People who are suffering with belly fat, take one glass of lukewarm water and mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in it. Drink this in every morning in empty stomach it will increase your metabolism that results weight loss. It will help to burn excessive fat in your body. It has ability to cure sore throat.

Take ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and ¼ cup warm water. Mix both and gargle with this water twice in a day.

Acne and scars are the major problem of every teen girl and boy. Antibacterial properties in apple cider vinegar help to keep acne under control, reduces red spots which occurs after acne and also maintain the PH level of your skin. It also promotes health cholesterol. You can say that it keeps your body cholesterol under control.

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olive oil benefits

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

It is obtained from olive tree. Olive oil is full of with mono-saturated fats, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties.  There are many health benefits of olive oil, some of them are follows:

  1. It helps to prevent you from breast cancer.
  2. Helps in weight loss.
  3. Reduce bad cholesterol level.
  4. Rich in anti-aging properties.
  5. Aids in digestion.
  6. Boosts Metabolism.
  7. Prevent from strokes.
  8. Prevent from skin cancer.
  9. Reduces Risk of diabetes.
  10. Reduce the risk of depression.

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lady finger benefits for health

Lady Finger Benefits for Health

Most of people do not like lady finger due to its greasy look and taste. But lady finger benefits for health is more than other vegetables. It is low in calorie and fat. Diabetic’s patient must add this vegetable in their diet. It has anti-diabetic quality in it and prevent you from diabetes.  Most of people are patient of heart diseases due to high level of cholesterol in blood or over weight. It is very low in calories so it will keep you stay away from heart diseases.

Folate or vitamin B9 is present in lady fingers, these vitamins is essential for brain health so lady finger will also promote your mental health. Folic acid is also benefit for pregnant women, so consumption of lady finger is good for pregnant lady it can help to prevent neurological birth defect. It also removes constipation which happens during pregnancy.

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health benefits of guava

Health Benefits of Guava (Amrood)

Guava are a tropical food. It has unique flavor and fragrance. It as extraordinary full of with vitamin C and antioxidants which are good for health and skin. Guava has many benefits for health.

Seeds of guava has help to prevent you from constipation. It is full or with fibers. It is very beneficial for diabetic’s patients. It helps to reduce the development of diabetes. For healthy and glowing skin you should daily eat guava. It helps to beat toothache because it has antibacterial qualities to fight with infections and killed germs. People who they want to lose weight should eat guava because fibers are present in guava and it also has less sugar then apple and oranges. Guava can also use as snacks, because it satisfies your appetite.

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beetroot benefits for health

Beetroot Benefits for Health

Beets are full of vitamin C, potassium, minerals and essential fibers. You can say that this vegetable has more benefits than others. The fibers in beetroot promotes the improvement in your memory. There are many beetroot benefits for health. Juice of beetroot is fat free and provide energy to your body. It helps to improve your immune system and digestion system. It helps to prevent you from constipation.

For pregnant women’s, it is very beneficial, because it contains natural folic acid which helps to reduce the risk of birth defects. The natural vitamins in beetroots are helps to prevent you from skin ageing and cell damages. Daily use of beetroot in your salad bowl keeps your blood pressure and cholesterol level in low state. People who are suffering from acne, should use it because it helps to heal acne smoothly.

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Health Benefits of Milk

Health Benefits of Milk

The majority of people on earth do not like milk. People are not familiar with health benefits of milk. It promotes glowing skin. Consuming milk on regular basis, makes your skin tone fair and provide softness as well. It helps to give strength to your bones and teeth. It is a rich source of calcium and as you know calcium is very good for bones health. Milk contains proteins, which helps to build your muscle.

Milk is also consider as snack. You can take a glass of milk during your dinner or while you are eating fruits. It also use as good appetizer. Some studies have also suggested that intake of milk also reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. You can also use it for weight loss purpose. You can use skim milk in your diet.

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warm water benefits

Warm Water Benefits for Health

As you hear water is very good for health. Mostly people drink water for weight loss. But warm water has many benefits for health as per simple water. Warm water in empty stomach helps to increase your metabolism and this will promote to burn more calories in whole day. If you are in cold it will help to cure your cold. Women who faces menstrual cramps, should always drink warm water because it has soothing effect on the abdominal muscle.

It helps to clean your body and eliminate the cause of acne infection. It keeps your scalp hydrated and fight against dandruff. People who are worried about constipation always drink warm water, it helps to aid constipation smoothly. It improves your blood circulation. Toxins in body make you age faster. So you need to remove extra toxins from your body. Warm water repair your skin cells and remove extra toxins from your body and keep you healthy and smart.