Category Archives: Mens & Womens

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cold and flu remedies

Cold and Flu Remedies

Category : Mens & Womens

There would be no human on earth that wasn’t affected by cold and flu. You would be agreed my statement claim right. Full form of cold is ‘’chronic obstruction of lung disease’’. It is a viral sort of disease and can affect other person who resides in your surroundings.

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uric acid

Uric Acid and its Functionality

Category : Health , Mens & Womens

Uric acid is a compound made up from carbon , nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen and its formula is C5H4N4O3.basically uric acid is a chemical formed when our body expels waste products in the blood. These waste materials are produced when our stomach is busy in conversion of food into energy. In this metabolic reaction

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Eyelid Bump

Eyelid Bump: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Category : Mens & Womens

Every second person complains about white swollen pimple on the edge of eye lid. It’s obvious that no one is spare from this evil. This pimple or acne on the rim of eye is known as eyelid bump in traditional saying. Some superstitious people say that is becomes or appear on eyes due to hesitation from edibles but these 

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What is Diabetes and How to Treat It

Category : Health , Health , Mens & Womens

This is a disorder in human beings in which sugar or glucose level is raised to alarming situation that can put your life into risk. Basically diabetes is associated with glands and it is caused by the disturbance in the endocrine gland. In fact pancreas itself does not adequate insulin that is capable of handling the 

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How to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Category : Health , Health , Mens & Womens

No doubt clear vision is a blessing of ALLAH ALMIGHTY   that one could see without any virtual distortion. People with weak eyesight and blurred vision see objects in vague manner.

Other who use to wear glasses feel burden on head and burning in effect on eyes. People tend to perform expensive LASIK surgery to get rid

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control blood pressure

How to Control Blood Pressure

Category : Mens & Womens

Like other human beings blood stream flow in our bodies in order to supply oxygen and to control certain activties.Blood is pumped through heart when it leaves tor contract to fall the blood it creates a pressure on the walls of arteries and capillaries this affect is known as blood pressure. This fluctuation in the

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brain booster

Brain Booster/Food For Brain

Have you thought that if you are getting sufficient nutrition for your brain? If you kid or husband use to forget necessary detail of daily chores then don’t need to worry about these things.

Wholegrain meal

Eating smart food is very necessary for all ages. Always eat healthy food to provide your brain booster

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natural detox water

Natural Detox Water

Many people wonder what the detox water is and how it really works on our body and mental health. In this health of article I am going to reveal you about the benefits of consuming detox water in daily life.

What is the detox water

Detox water is the normal water which is tainted with several vegetable and fruits to add

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How to avoid excessive gas

How To Avoid Excessive Gas

Category : Health , Health , Mens & Womens

Every person on earth passes 10 to 15 times rectal gases in a day. Rectal gas is obvious in every human and it happens to every other human being on earth. But problem start to occur when it happen in the excessive way and frequently escalates from the normal schedule. There could be several reasons that could pop out

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white teeth

How to Get White and Bright Teeth

Category : Beauty , Beauty , Mens & Womens

It’s quite pretty to smile with pearl like teeth… White teeth are something else that represent a healthy life of a persona and also exhibit the personal hygiene of him.

Certainly a person having yellowish and pale teeth with smudges over them will feel shy while talking and smiling. Moreover it will create a bad impact on the viewer and also makes you embarrass in your friend circle.

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