Category Archives: Diet Plans

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Healthy breakfast

Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss

We should start our day with healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast provides you energy for whole day. Balance diet is that diet which contains all natural and essential nutrients. According to research healthy breakfast helps you to reduce weight in couple of weeks. Healthy breakfast help you to lose weight and also help you to maintain a shield against flu and cold and other season diseases.

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functions of fibers

Functions of Fibers

The word fiber is derived from the ancient Latin word fibro means thread. The microscopic structure of fibers are little tiny threads. Fibers are mostly found in plants and vegetables and fruits that grow on them.
Your healthy diet is incomplete eating fiber in your daily meal.

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Benefits of Lipids in Human Body

Lipids belong to the cholesterol family and its chemical structure formula is just like bond of fat. The lipids are insoluble in water and oils are also a form of lipids and fats

There is myth that all fats are bad for the health that is not right. Fats are infused with several heavy 

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