The Ways To Get Straight Hair Naturally
Category : Beauty , Women , Women Skin And beauty
Every person has the desire of straight smooth hair and who have curly hair the craving of straight hair bulge out in the hearts. The people who already have the blessing shiny straight hair they don’t forget to flaunt their hair in front of others in order to envoy them. Brushing curly hair is very hectic and painful act for the girls who have long hair as well. Other sad fact is that after you get brushing your hair look like that you haven’t brushed them. Although applying shampoo on curly wavy hair is very stubborn act.
Hair straighten with iron is not a permanent method of this solution. It burns the upper cuticle layer of the hair and damage the inner fiber as well. Rebounding is very famous technique to get hair straight through chemicals. Our hair have bonds naturally these bonds decides whether our hair would be straight, curly or wavy. Through rebounding process natural bonds are opened chemically and then it bound them back in desired condition. For rebounding severe type of chemical lotions applied which damage the original condition of hair. But it weakens the root of hair that can b plucked easily.
Even your hair become so vulnerable you are not to tie in a pony tale if you do this it will create horrible results for the rest of life. Avoid the use of applying chemicals and heat ironing torture on hair.
Tips for natural hair straightening methods
In this article we will tell you about natural straightening methods that you can try at home using your home ingredients and tools!
Wet brushing
After rinsing your hair try wet hair brushing , use hair brush which has long bristles and wide head .start brushing with downward after doing this pull your hair aside then slowly go upward then keep on brushing for five minutes unless until your hair become dry from the shoots.
Applying Luke warm oil on scalp
This is the best way of getting y regular moisture and nutrition as well as straitening for hair. Heat sesame or coconut oil in microwave oven then spill some drops of oil in the palm then slowly massage it in the scalp then apply it on the shoots and distribute each strand equally then apply it on every single inch of hair. Keep on doing this therapy for 20 minutes.
Milk honey mask
This mask will get your straight hair naturally for long time. The traits of lactic acid and nutritional benefits will also fulfill the basic needs of hair. In one bowl full of cow ‘s milk add two spoon of honey and stir with force to shake it well, with the help of finger tips make it absorb on the whole head. Cover your head now with the shower cap and relax for several minutes. Now wash with normal water and brush your hair dry. Repeat this remedy after three days.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has the ability to straight away your all curves from the hair and makes them shiny smooth. Extract fresh milk from the coconut and add some drops from lemon and place this amalgam in the fridge and after couple of hours massage it on the scalp and cover with shower cap then rinse thoroughly.
Paste of olive oil and egg
Egg has rich source of vitamin E that is very good for the proper health of hair. Deficiency of vitamin E cause split ends and random curls. Beat two eggs in a bowl and add two full spoon of olive oil and then it’s time to massage. This remedy will completely make your hair straight and with full of luster