How to Remove Freckles Causes and Home Remedy
Category : Beauty , Beauty , Women Skin And beauty
Freckles are small brown spots on skin which spoils the appearance and look of the person. Everybody loves flawless skin without blemishes and dark patches.
Freckles often appear due to frequent sun exposure, hormonal imbalance, deficiency of vitamins and nutrition are basic causes of freckles. Although the severe reason behind freckles is UV rays of sun which trigger the skin to produce melanin which generate tiny freckle on the skin.
How to cure freckles:
Lemon is rich source of vitamin C that is beneficial for many skin diseases. Naturally lemon contains bleaching agent which can turn dark spots of skin into lighter ones. first of all grab a slice of lemon and rub gently across your damaged freckled area for couple of minutes. Let the juice dry on your skin for twenty minutes then rinse with hot water. Repeat this remedy until freckle disappears.
Onion has the ability of tissue rebuilding. Make a paste of onion and apply on the skin and wash it after 15 minutes.Take few almonds and blend them with some milk the magical effect of lactic acid of milk and vitamin E of almonds will heal the tiny freckles. Moreover it will create a glow on the skin. it will also make the skin lighter and smooth.
Milk with almonds
Take few almonds and blend them with some milk the magical effect of lactic acid of milk and vitamin E of almonds will heal the tiny freckles. Make a paste and apply on the skin and wash it after 15 minutes. Moreover it will creat a glow on the skin. it will also make the skin lighter and smooth.
Rose water with lemon
For sensitive skin try this treatment, in fresh rose water squeeze some drops of lemon this combo will bring stunning affects. This will reduce your freckles and dark spots on the skin. spray this solution when needed.
Turmeric powder with oat
Turmeric powder has also excellent impacts on the skin in fairness. Take a small bowl put two table spoon of turmeric powder and some required spoon of oat mix them well after that wet them with drops of lemon and your face pack is ready to use. For quick results apply this paste twice a week.
Tips for avoiding freckles
- Always apply sunblock cream before going in the scorching heat. always purchase sunscreen lotion which is manufactured by a well reputed company.
- For maximum protection grab the sunscreen of sufficient SPF such as SPF- 45 to SPF- 100. This is a range and capability of sunblock cream to handle UV rays.
- If you don’t have sunscreen lotion you also can apply aloe vera gel and coconut water that contain natural ingredients for sun protection.
- Take a umbrella with you whiling going outside for protection.