Home Remedies to get Wrinkle Free Skin Naturally
Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip
Before old age nobody wants wrinkles on their face. Clean pure and beautiful skin is the demand of every person. But due to ignorance in your diet and beauty makes you old before your age. Wrinkles occurs when skin lose elasticity. Sunlight exposure, smoking, pollution, excessive oil on skin and sudden weight loss are the major factors of wrinkles. You can get wrinkle free skin naturally by taking care of your skin and by using the following remedies:
Firstly, you need to improve your diet and cleansing of your skin regularly.
Do massage with olive oil regularly on affected area of the skin. It has ability to regenerate skin cells.
Ginger is very good for health eat ginger with honey or you can drink ginger tea. Banana is also very good for skin health.
Mash two ripe bananas and apply the paste on affected skin and leave for half an hour, then wash it off with lukewarm water and moisturize your skin.