Month: February 2017

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hepatitis c

5 Ways to Prevent Hepatitis C

Hepatitis c is a virus and can easily transmitted from one person to another through using useable things. It promote to the infection in body. There is no vaccine to prevent this dangerous disease. But you can reduce the risk of this disease by adopting the following precautions:

  • You should never share your razor, toothbrush, nail clipper and diabetes supplies that might have your blood on it.
  • Don’t donate your blood.
  • Do not share needles and other equipment such as spoons, cotton and water, if you continue to use needles to inject drugs.
  • When you go to the doctor for dental treatment, make sure that doctor always uses the clean and washed tools for your teeth treatment.
  • Ladies who have hepatitis c and feed their children, continue to feed your child, because hepatitis c cannot be spread through mother milk. Keep in mind, avoid to have crack on your nipples, this might increase the risk of spreading virus to your baby.

reduce fat around ribs

Reduce Fat Around Ribs

Every women wants to have zero size figure. Fitness is the need of every person. Fat lose seems difficult, but you can easily achieve your goal by doing exercise and taking care of your diet. You can easily gain weight but reducing weight is more difficult task for everyone. When you start losing weight you have to need to burn fat off your entire body. Once you start focusing on fat lose you will need to do both exercise and diet that helps to reduce fat around your ribs.

First you will need to reduce the intake of your calories. Include vegetables and more fruits in your diet. Keep in mind you should prefer those fruit who have less sugar in it. Avoid or reduce the intake of cheese and butter. Do exercise daily in the morning and the evening. Do workout for max about 60 min, but do not do workout less than 30 min. you will need to set a goal for 30 to 60 min of aerobic exercises. Always choose those exercise that helps to stretch your body. When you will increase your activity you will definitely burn additional calories and fat. By doing this you can easily burn all over body fat.

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