Month: January 2017
- 18th January 2017
- 17th January 2017

- 16th January 2017

Top 5 Foods which helps to boost your Metabolism
Category : Nutrition Tip , Today's Tip
As all of you know that boost in metabolism help to reduce weight. Most of people follow many diet plans to lose weight and use many food for this purpose. There are many food and fruits which help to boost your metabolism, top 5 foods are follows:
- Fruits which are low in carbohydrate and sugar level are very useful. Water melon, avocado are examples of these fruits.
- Oatmeal is also very helpful to reduce your cholesterol level because these are rich in fibers and also help to make increase in your metabolism.
- Ginger has boosting metabolism properties, it is mostly use in those food products which use in weight loss.
- Almonds are full of with fatty acids which promote the increase rate in metabolism.
- Black coffee is also boost your metabolic rate. Caffeine in coffee helps to improve your blood circulation.

How to get Relief from Neck Pain
Category : Health & Fitness Tip , Today's Tip
This is very common issue in every third person. Person feel pain in bones, nerves and muscles. After a long day work people starts feel pain in neck. The reason behind this pain is most of people spend more time in front of computers and stick their neck at same position for long time. Due to this muscle of neck become weak and when you start look back your joint no longer moves smoothly. Most of people are worried because of this pain. Here I am writing remedies which you can follow to get relief from neck pain.
- Keep moving your neck after a short time, this will prevent you from neck stiffness.
- Take ice cube and slowly rub it on affected area for 2 minutes.
- When you start feel pain do exercise in slow motion, see up and down and from ear to ear.
- Lay down straightly on your sleeping bed and try to sleep without pillow.
- Take lukewarm olive oil in your palm and gently massage your neck muscles.
- Take small piece of towel and soak up in apple cider vinegar, put this towel in your paining area and leave of 1 hour.
- 14th January 2017

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