Month: December 2016

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increase height naturally

Tips to Increase Height Naturally

Height is very important factor in your personality. Most of people have short height because of their genetic factors. But if your parents have long height and you haven’t, then you can increase height naturally by adopting healthy life style.

First you will need to improve your sleep. Take warm water bath before sleep this will enhance the quality of your sleep.

Note that what you are eating. Try to eat healthy because it’s essential for your growth. Add veggies and fruits in your diet. Add vitamin D in your diet. You can get vitamin D from eggs, fish and mushrooms. Drink two to three glass of milk daily. It is full of calcium and makes your bones strong and helps to the overall growth of your body including height.

Take part in games. Do exercise regularly including yoga. You can also do hanging exercise, toe touch exercises, the super stretch and the swimming as well.

get wrinkle free skin naturally

Home Remedies to get Wrinkle Free Skin Naturally

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Before old age nobody wants wrinkles on their face. Clean pure and beautiful skin is the demand of every person. But due to ignorance in your diet and beauty makes you old before your age. Wrinkles occurs when skin lose elasticity. Sunlight exposure, smoking, pollution, excessive oil on skin and sudden weight loss are the major factors of wrinkles. You can get wrinkle free skin naturally by taking care of your skin and by using the following remedies:

Firstly, you need to improve your diet and cleansing of your skin regularly.

Do massage with olive oil regularly on affected area of the skin. It has ability to regenerate skin cells.

Ginger is very good for health eat ginger with honey or you can drink ginger tea. Banana is also very good for skin health.

Mash two ripe bananas and apply the paste on affected skin and leave for half an hour, then wash it off with lukewarm water and moisturize your skin.

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Things that Disturb Metabolism

Things that Disturb Metabolism

Category : Health , Health , Mens , Women

The word metabolism is very common term used in daily life but some people are unfamiliar with this and don’t know much about it. Usually this awareness is hold by some medical related people and other is layman to this. Basically metabolism is referred as all the chemical activities that are done on regular basis to maintain life of any living organism”. 

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seasonal allergies

Seasonal Allergies and their Cure

Category : Mens & Womens

There are several reasons behind occurring of allergies in human. Surroundings and some special elements are responsible for allergies. Nature has gifted us with immunity system and they people who have weak and vulnerable immunities mostly get offended through the seasonal changes.

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cracked heels

Rupture/Cracked Heels

Category : Beauty , Women

In winter season cracked heels with several wound on skin are seen visible, these types of scars on heel are observed in the intensity of cold season. Although having cracked heels are very painful and disturbing problem among the people of all ages. Even prolonged situation can lead to bleeding in the feet and painful cramps are felt while walking.

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Premature Graying of Hair

Premature Graying of Hair

Category : Mens & Womens

When we born with dense , pigmented  hair but with passage of time these hair start to become dull in their shine or tend to grey either fully or sometimes from the tips of hair. Graying of hair is obvious thing for the adults of the people who cross their age above the years of 30s. Hence problem do occur when these whit hair appear in early teenage. Well that is a shocking to see white hair in a young age. Sometimes these hair appear in bunch or sometimes these white hair are from tips or sometimes are from shoot but not fully whit or not fully black.

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Category : Mens & Womens

Infertility is very common problem and disorder. Among five couples one is suffering from infertility. In some cases men are defective and in some case women are defective. According to research 55 percent infertility is found in man and 45 percent infertility is find in women. In man the infertility is caused by thin motile and quantity is active motile is less than from optimum level. In one discharge of man the quantity of semen are 3.5 ml. daily 30 crores sperms are produced in the body of man.

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cold sores

Cold Sores or Fever Blister

Category : Mens & Womens

Cold sores are little blister which are filled with some reddish watery fluid that contain usually pus or some other infectious fluid. Mostly these cold sore or blister happens to appear on the lips, mouth or any part of face. These just like little pimples and appear in the form of cluster or group. These blisters prolong up to several weeks if they are not cured. As I have mentioned it earlier these blisters are infectious and contain contagious fluid that can be catches by other people while interacting with you.

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Cleansing of skin

Cleansing of Skin with Herbal Methods

Category : Beauty , Beauty , Mens , Women

Normal and flawless skin is a blessing of GOD but we know well we have to do several tasks to maintain the health of our skin. cleansing of skin with any face wash is not enough to get beauty and adolescence on it but you have to do other things on it for better results take rose petals and crush them and add some honey and turmeric in it and apply on the skin and leave it to dry for some minutes.

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bad breath

Bad Breath or Odor of Mouth

Category : Mens & Womens

It very common sort of disorder in many people and this is very embarrassing too.  Bad breath is referred as halitosis and this bad odor from mouth is really disturbing for the people in surroundings. The person suffering from this can not move freely in the social gathering or  can not expose his thoughts in any sit-up.  The person feels lonely and shambled.  Moreover the people around him also feel disgusting and push them away from the suffering person.

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