Month: October 2016

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care of dry skin

Care of Dry Skin

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Care of Dry Skin: Like oily skin, dry skin also need extra care. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Moisturize your skin with proper moisturizer. Use the face pack of honey, it helps to soften your skin. Apply honey on your face and leave for ten minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

Eggs are very good source of protein. Apply egg white on your face and leave for fifteen minutes then rinse with water. Mango is also very good for dry skin. Make a paste of mango and add few drops of olive oil in paste and mix well. Apply this face pack and rinse after ten minutes.

oily skin

Home Remedies for Oily Skin in Winter

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

For oily skin you put extra attention on your skin, oily skin needs extra care because it produce more oil on skin and attract a lot of dirt from environment. First exfoliate your skin twice a week. This process removes dead skin cell from your face.

Apply petroleum jelly and keep moisturize your skin and also use tea tree oil on your skin. In winter avoid long and hot shower, it will dry your skin and in result your body produce more oil in order to compensate the dryness. Add fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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Menstrual cramps

Menstrual Cramps or Dysmenorrheal

Menstrual cramps are jerks of pain that affect a woman before the start of menstrual cycle or during the menstrual cycle. Mostly these aches are felt in the abdominal part or beneath the naval side. These cramps are very painful for the women. Almost every third woman suffers from this pain.

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Signs of Depression in men

Signs of Depression in Men

Category : Mens

Nothing is more likely to bring a man out in a cold sweat than asking him to talk about his emotions. So how can you spot if your mate’s depressed?

Many men hate talking about their feelings because it makes them feel exposed.

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Skincare Products

5 Powerful Skincare Products You May Be Missing

Category : Women

When it comes to skincare, the focus tends to be on the hot new products (which are often pricey). But there are some basic Skincare  products that, while often overlooked, really do make a big difference. Here are 5 that will set you up for great skin – now and into future:

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turmeric powder benefits

Turmeric Powder Benefits

Category : Mens & Womens

It had been a long time between wounds and turmeric powder. Turmeric root had been used for wounds since stone ages. Turmeric powder is widely used in Asian foods. In old ages people of Greek use turmeric powder for

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cold and flu remedies

Cold and Flu Remedies

Category : Mens & Womens

There would be no human on earth that wasn’t affected by cold and flu. You would be agreed my statement claim right. Full form of cold is ‘’chronic obstruction of lung disease’’. It is a viral sort of disease and can affect other person who resides in your surroundings.

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eyes swelling

Reduce Eyes Swelling

The reason behind this lack of sleeping, extra use of mobile computer and improper diet. To reduce the swelling of eye take two or three drops of olive oil in your finger tips and apply on eyes massage gently, continue this process for a week.

Take two green tea bags soak in water and put this on swollen eyes and leave for twenty minutes. Green tea bags relax your eye vessels and reduce eye swelling.



The World’s Healthiest Food (Almonds)

Almond contains a lot of fiber, proteins, healthy fats and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and cholesterol level. It helps to reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

It support healthy brain function, maintain skin health, prevent from heart disease and heart attack, increase digestive health and help to maintain bone and dental health.

Health Benefits of Dates

Health Benefits of Dates

Health Benefits of Dates:  Dates are good source of energy, sugar and fiber. Eating one date per day is necessary for healthy diet. It is a rich source of calcium, sulfur, iron and potassium. It helps you to away from the following diseases:

  • Abdominal cancer
  • Diarrhea
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Heart problem
  • Constipation