Healthy Breakfast for Weight Loss
Category : Diet Plans , Men Diet Plans , Women Diet Plans
We should start our day with healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast provides you energy for whole day. Balance diet is that diet which contains all natural and essential nutrients. According to research healthy breakfast helps you to reduce weight in couple of weeks. Healthy breakfast help you to lose weight and also help you to maintain a shield against flu and cold and other season diseases. In this way healthy breakfast help you to enhance immunity. The people who don’t take perfect breaks fast are vulnerable to catch disease.
In a perfect break fast it should contain carbohydrates, protein and fiber and some fat in it.
Here are some magical breakfasts that can turn your life and personality completely.
Breakfast of fruits
In the diet of whole day 25 percent should have fiber and through fruits we easily can get fibers. There is no match of banana in the breakfast. After eating banana you will not get the feeling of emptiness in the stomach. It is good source of carbohydrates you can eat it with the combination of cereal. Eating with cereal also will improve its taste and it will become healthy food.
Berries are also known as super food because it contain anti oxidant which don’t allow your body to gain weight. A cup full of berries will fulfill all your need of folic acid and carbohydrates.
Breakfast of oat meal
The oat meal or cereal contain less fat and enriched with minerals. It is good start up for the day. The folic acid in the oat will purify your blood. It will also a good source of protein according to searches 22 grams of daily protein will help you to lose weight.
Breakfast full of protein
In the calories of breakfast 15 to 20 percent should contain protein. If protein is intake in morning time you won’t realize any temptation for food in your whole day.egg is a good source of protein. For getting thin protein you should eat grilled tomato with poached egg and a glass full of milk. Smoked beef steak also can be eaten for this.
Yogurt and apple
There is least combination you have seen with apple and curd but this unique combination is full of calcium and fibers. Yogurt provides you calcium and apple is good source of fibers and it will fulfill your desire of appetite. The other notable thing is that it contains less fat as compared to the other breakfasts.
Fresh Vegas
Make a thin bread of wheat and make roll of it and fill this roll with spinach, carrots and sprinkle black pepper on it. It will be a delicious roll for the morning breakfast.
Butter of almond and peanut
Eat brown bread with the combination of peanut or almond butter it will provide you essential fat and provide you energy to do your entire daily task
Milk smoothies
Blend milk with any fruit and add some yogurt in it. Your daily nutrients are ready to put in the stomach. It is enriched with calcium and vitamin you can also eat a beef steak or grilled chicken piece with it.