Category Archives: Today’s Tip

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balance your hormones naturally

Tips to Balance your Hormones Naturally

Unbalancing of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, insulin and adrenaline are important chemicals which are present in human body. If one of them imbalances, then different kinds of diseases attacks to the human body including hair fall, acne, insomnia etc. so it is very important to maintain the ratio of these hormones. There are some foods and tips which helps to balance your hormones naturally.

You should always eat healthy fats. You can eat avocado and use coconut oil for this purpose. You should add one glass of milk regularly in your diet. Use of dry fruits is also very important to balance your hormones. Add a moderate portion of legumes in your meal to avoid imbalance of hormones.

Exercise is also very important because it helps to reduce inflammation, can help you to maintain a healthy weight, aids in getting better sleep and also helps to regulate your appetite. Lack of sleep is also causes this problem so always try to max 6 to 8 hours sleep and stick with a regular sleep wake cycle as much as possible.

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Benefits of peanut butter

Benefits of Peanut Butter for Health

People mostly like to eat peanut in dry fruits. Some of them like to eat salty peanut. Peanut butter is also very famous in breakfast table. Most of people are fond of it and enjoy with the delicious taste of it. There are many benefits of peanut butter for health. People also use it for weight loss. Eating peanut or peanut butter helps to reduce weight because it reduces the desire of hunger. It helps to reduce the chances of colon cancer in women.

It is full of with mono- saturated fat so according to study it is clear that people who ate mono-saturated fat has less belly fat than the people who ate saturated fat. It is full of nutrition and provides you energy all the day and keeps you active all time. Peanut is full of iron so peanut butter helps for the correct functioning of your red blood cells. It is also rich in calcium and help to promote your healthy bones. It helps to make your brain health and active.

You can get great source of protein through it. It also help to decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health conditions.

improve sleep wake up cycle

How to Balancing your Sleep Wake Cycle

Insomnia is very common issue in every age of people. This leads many problems and issue like dizziness all the day, feeling pain in different parts of body including neck and back bone. Some of us thinks that how to balance sleep wake cycle, this is not a difficult thing. You just need to make little bit changes in your daily routine.

First you will need to stick to a routine. You should go to the bed at the same time and do the same task every night before going to bed. In winter you can take warm bath and in summer you can take mild cold bath before going to sleep. Bath causes the change in body temperature and allowing the mind to sleep quickly.

Do not eat too much at night, it’s a bad habit too. If you eat too much at night your stomach is full and you do not feel hunger in the next morning but if you eat less at night, your stomach will be empty in the morning and push you wake up at morning to feed it. Exercise is also very important for sleep. Do work out in every morning before starting your daily routine and do also 30 min workout in evening.

remove upper lips hair

Remove Upper Lips Hair Naturally at Home

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Facial hair is normal thing in every men and women. But is looks awkward on women faces. It happens around chin, cheeks and forehead. Hair on upper lips is also a major problem in women. This problem may vary from small hairs to mustache which is obviously so embarrassing. You can easily remove upper lips hair naturally at home by using the following tricks.

You can remove hair through waxing. It is very common and mostly usable remedy for better result. Take mild warm wax and apply it on the upper part of your lips, put a small cotton piece of cloth and put on it. Press gently and then pull up the cotton strip quickly. By using wax you can reduce the growth of unwanted hair from your face.

You can also apply the mixture of egg white, sugar and flour. Take one tablespoon of each egg white, flour and sugar. Mix it well and apply this mixture with spatula on upper area of lips and leave for 30 min. Now gently peel of the layer against the direction of hair. Do this remedy thrice a week to stop the upper lip growth of hair.

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foods fight with stress

5 Super Food to Fight with Stress

In this modern and busy life a large number of people leads to stressful life. If someone goes to a long stress for long time it might bring negative impact on your body and health. Here, I am describing about most usable 5 super food to fight stress. Use of these foods will help you to reduce your depression as well as stress.

  1. Oranges: These have many benefits for health, these are full of with vitamin C and a rich amount of antioxidants in it. It helps to fight with stress. So you can take a glass of orange juice when you are suffering with stress or depression.
  2. Almonds: it’s a best choice when you are thinking to get relief from stress. It’s an amazing type of fiber and full of with vitamin A and E.
  3. Green tea: it is full of with antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenol. Antioxidants are the great source to change your mood. Drink a cup of green tea in state of anxiety you feel difference very soon.
  4. Milk: people who drink a glass of milk regularly feel less stressed. It provides vitamin A and D, calcium along with antioxidants to the body.
  5. Dark Chocolate: most of people fond of it. When you feel stressed eat some dark chocolate, it will boost your mood and reduce your stress level.

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hepatitis c

5 Ways to Prevent Hepatitis C

Hepatitis c is a virus and can easily transmitted from one person to another through using useable things. It promote to the infection in body. There is no vaccine to prevent this dangerous disease. But you can reduce the risk of this disease by adopting the following precautions:

  • You should never share your razor, toothbrush, nail clipper and diabetes supplies that might have your blood on it.
  • Don’t donate your blood.
  • Do not share needles and other equipment such as spoons, cotton and water, if you continue to use needles to inject drugs.
  • When you go to the doctor for dental treatment, make sure that doctor always uses the clean and washed tools for your teeth treatment.
  • Ladies who have hepatitis c and feed their children, continue to feed your child, because hepatitis c cannot be spread through mother milk. Keep in mind, avoid to have crack on your nipples, this might increase the risk of spreading virus to your baby.

reduce fat around ribs

Reduce Fat Around Ribs

Every women wants to have zero size figure. Fitness is the need of every person. Fat lose seems difficult, but you can easily achieve your goal by doing exercise and taking care of your diet. You can easily gain weight but reducing weight is more difficult task for everyone. When you start losing weight you have to need to burn fat off your entire body. Once you start focusing on fat lose you will need to do both exercise and diet that helps to reduce fat around your ribs.

First you will need to reduce the intake of your calories. Include vegetables and more fruits in your diet. Keep in mind you should prefer those fruit who have less sugar in it. Avoid or reduce the intake of cheese and butter. Do exercise daily in the morning and the evening. Do workout for max about 60 min, but do not do workout less than 30 min. you will need to set a goal for 30 to 60 min of aerobic exercises. Always choose those exercise that helps to stretch your body. When you will increase your activity you will definitely burn additional calories and fat. By doing this you can easily burn all over body fat.

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boost up your metabolism

Top 5 Foods which helps to boost your Metabolism

As all of you know that boost in metabolism help to reduce weight. Most of people follow many diet plans to lose weight and use many food for this purpose. There are many food and fruits which help to boost your metabolism, top 5 foods are follows:

  • Fruits which are low in carbohydrate and sugar level are very useful. Water melon, avocado are examples of these fruits.
  • Oatmeal is also very helpful to reduce your cholesterol level because these are rich in fibers and also help to make increase in your metabolism.
  • Ginger has boosting metabolism properties, it is mostly use in those food products which use in weight loss.
  • Almonds are full of with fatty acids which promote the increase rate in metabolism.
  • Black coffee is also boost your metabolic rate. Caffeine in coffee helps to improve your blood circulation.

Neck Pain

How to get Relief from Neck Pain

This is very common issue in every third person. Person feel pain in bones, nerves and muscles. After a long day work people starts feel pain in neck. The reason behind this pain is most of people spend more time in front of computers and stick their neck at same position for long time. Due to this muscle of neck become weak and when you start look back your joint no longer moves smoothly. Most of people are worried because of this pain. Here I am writing remedies which you can follow to get relief from neck pain.

  1. Keep moving your neck after a short time, this will prevent you from neck stiffness.
  2. Take ice cube and slowly rub it on affected area for 2 minutes.
  3. When you start feel pain do exercise in slow motion, see up and down and from ear to ear.
  4. Lay down straightly on your sleeping bed and try to sleep without pillow.
  5. Take lukewarm olive oil in your palm and gently massage your neck muscles.
  6. Take small piece of towel and soak up in apple cider vinegar, put this towel in your paining area and leave of 1 hour.

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benefits of apple cider vinegar

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

All of you are familiar with name of apple cider vinegar. According to quote “An Apple in a day keeps a doctor away”, clearly defines the benefits of apple. Same like there are also many health benefits of apple cider vinegar. People who are suffering with belly fat, take one glass of lukewarm water and mix one table spoon of apple cider vinegar in it. Drink this in every morning in empty stomach it will increase your metabolism that results weight loss. It will help to burn excessive fat in your body. It has ability to cure sore throat.

Take ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and ¼ cup warm water. Mix both and gargle with this water twice in a day.

Acne and scars are the major problem of every teen girl and boy. Antibacterial properties in apple cider vinegar help to keep acne under control, reduces red spots which occurs after acne and also maintain the PH level of your skin. It also promotes health cholesterol. You can say that it keeps your body cholesterol under control.