Category Archives: Mens

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hair loss

How to Stop Hair Fall

Category : Beauty , Beauty , Mens & Womens

Hair fall is very common disease in female and also in male. This disease is prevalent without any gender discrimination in fact sometime it also happen to appear in youngster and teenagers also. The medical term of fair fall or hair loss is referred as alopecia. If hair fall further lead to baldness on the head.

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Constipation Problem / Cure At Home

Category : Health , Health , Mens & Womens

When constipation occurs in a person his bowl movements are difficult to pass stool or in other way a painful condition in which solid and rigid feces goes through.

Symptoms of constipation

  • Bowl movement after long span of hours and days
  • Difficulty in passing stool
  • Taking long hours to empty stomach or still
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7 amazing benefits of regular exercises

7 Amazing Benefits Of Regular Exercises

Category : Exercise , Health , Health

Are you looking for to live longer and feel better and healthy every day? Then there is no better solution than exercise. No one can forget the real health benefits of regular exercises. And the benefits of exercise will improve your physical ability and also improve your body pasture. Need more detail which can convince you for exercise? Please have a look on these benefits of exercise that can improve your life.

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prostate cancer & Baldness

The Link Between Baldness And Prostate Cancer

Category : Health , Mens

There is a bad news a new study suggests that men who are facing hair loss issue due to male pattern baldness may be at risk of dying from “prostate cancer”.

“This study found a bigger risk for violent prostate cancer just in men with a very precise pattern of hairlessness, baldness at the front and moderate hair-thinning

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How to treat pimples

How to Treat Pimples/Acne

Category : Beauty , Beauty , Mens & Womens

In the teenage every youngster passes through the phase of pimples/acne. This monster leaves blemishes when it vanished. The acne is also further divided into two categories

  • black heads
  • white heads
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Prostatitis (Inflammation of the Prostate Gland)

Category : Health , Mens

Prostatitis is irritation of the prostate gland. The inflammation is able to be because of infectivity as well as many other reasons. this is suffered by nearly 2 million people per year to outpatient urology practices in the United States.

When we are talking about prostate problem, one attention goes to prostate cancer and enlarged prostate. Another condition, prostatitis, flies under the radar although it influence upto one in every six men at any point in their life period. It attacks more than 2 million people each year.

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how to remove dard circles

The Best Treatment for Dark Circles

Category : Beauty , Beauty , Mens & Womens

Dark pigmentation under eyes is referred as dark circles these are also known as shadows. There are several reason could be possible behind dark circles. If you have developed dark circles under your eyes don’t worry, and follow the treatment mentioned below.

Some main cause of dark circles are mentioned


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How to Remove Freckles Causes and Home Remedy

Freckles are small brown spots on skin which spoils the appearance and look of the person. Everybody loves flawless skin without blemishes and dark patches.

Freckles often appear due to frequent sun exposure, hormonal imbalance, deficiency of vitamins and nutrition are basic causes of freckles. Although the severe reason behind freckles is UV rays of sun which trigger the skin to produce melanin which generate tiny freckle on the skin.

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healthy breakfast recipe

Healthy Breakfast Recipe That Will Help You in Summer

Vanilla latte smoothie bowl

You Morning is usually starts from coffee of your choice and breakfast smoothie just joined at the hip. This full of goodness pack bowl is having powerful protein punch to keep you energetic all the day.

Here is Healthy breakfast recipe:

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Top 6 Exercises to Gain Weight Fast

Top 6 Exercises to Gain Weight Fast

Not every person in the world wants to lose weight some wants to proton weight into their bodies typically they want to add lean muscles. Work to stress multiple muscles and multiple joints at the same time. This practice will break down more muscle fibers so practice include squats, , deadlifts, cleans, burpees, walking lunges, and crawling moves like  box jumps, and can be performed with our without weight.

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