Category Archives: Mens

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Things that Disturb Metabolism

Things that Disturb Metabolism

Category : Health , Health , Mens , Women

The word metabolism is very common term used in daily life but some people are unfamiliar with this and don’t know much about it. Usually this awareness is hold by some medical related people and other is layman to this. Basically metabolism is referred as all the chemical activities that are done on regular basis to maintain life of any living organism”. 

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Cleansing of skin

Cleansing of Skin with Herbal Methods

Category : Beauty , Beauty , Mens , Women

Normal and flawless skin is a blessing of GOD but we know well we have to do several tasks to maintain the health of our skin. cleansing of skin with any face wash is not enough to get beauty and adolescence on it but you have to do other things on it for better results take rose petals and crush them and add some honey and turmeric in it and apply on the skin and leave it to dry for some minutes.

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Contraceptive Methods

Contraceptive Methods or Birth Control Methods

After marriage every couple immediately don’t plan kids for themselves. These couple want to spend time figuring out life and want to make themselves financially stable. Sometime people belonging to lower socio economic groups want to maintain a gap between their kids, other case is that couple has completed their family and don’t need any further babies.

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what to eat on empty stomach

What to Eat on Empty Stomach

It is very general and common saying that breakfast is too much necessary for our health. However some people prefer to skip daily breakfast and rather to eat lunch directly. Through this harmful practice these sorts of people feel slight laziness in their regular schedule of day. From all over the world doctors and nutritional experts suggest that breakfast is really essential for physical growth of the body. The people who use to skip their daily breakfast are more vulnerable to much disease and they have question of what to eat on empty stomach and its health benefits.

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