Benefits of Dried Plum
Category : Diet Plans , Diet Plans , Mens , Women
Dried plum seems delicious in eating and it also consumed in several dishes for taste. Dried plums are also referred as prunes and it is complete remedy for the digestive issues which you face in daily life.
According new research that scientists have revealed that plums have several benefits for health but it is consumed or eaten in dried form it has multiple goof affects for the cancer of intestine. Nutrition expert NANCY TURNER said that dried plum has the ability to increase the strength of micro biota bacteria that is very beneficial for the intestine and it also lower the risk of cancer in the intestine. NANCY said that our intestine has 4000 bacteria many of them are very useful for digestion if we intake dried plum regularly they start to increase and reduce the danger of cancer in large intestine. Experts have said that there is a huge difference between the qualities if fresh plum and dried plum. Dried –plum has both fibers that one dissolvable and other in insoluble but fresh plum has not this quality. In dried plum has unique type of sugar sorbiotol has Formula: C6H14O6. Sarbitol can be used to treat occasional constipation. Sarbitol also treat the diabetic person because it reduces the amount of glucose in blood.
Prunes have good impact for heart diseases and can cure cardio vascular diseases. In ancient days prunes were sold s medicine for heat. It also inhibits the oxidation of cholesterol in body and making it less sensitive help to protect against chronic diseases of heart.
Prunes have rich source of vitamin K and beta-carotene that is very useful for combating the disease of eyes and vitamin k is very essential for reducing ageing affect on people. It also contains potassium that enable the heart pulse to perform cardio vascular activities our body. Prunes are also very helpful osteoporosis because it produces enough calcium, boron and iron that trigger muscle functionality. Another reason for eating plum is it reduces the inflammation in the muscle and the people who are intended to start gym should use prunes to take good start of their work out. Studies shows that dried plums suppress the appetite and desire for food that can tackle obesity and belly fat.
It has the traits of phenolic compound and regulate metabolism and action towards micro enzymes in the human body.try to eat prunes as snack in the evening also add some almonds and pistachio in your bowl. Here is healthy recipe for your daily intake of supplement of the day. Cut the chunks or prunes and throw them on the pan add some water into it and boil it and add some desirable sugar into it after making this add some apricot into it. After some interval put this in a jar and store in the refrigerator and relish this in every dawn. You can also eat this with whole grain bread. This is very healthy breakfast to start your day with multiple vitamins and minerals.