Month: November 2016

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dark circles

Under Eye Dark Circles Remedies

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Dark circle are very common in these days. It appears under the eyes and sometime on cheeks. People want to get rid of dark circles naturally and use many tricks for this. Under eye dark circles has very bad impact on your personality. You just simply need extra care and you can get rid of this. Peel a potato and put two slices of potato on your eyes for 15 minutes. You can also use cucumber for this purpose.

Take few drops of almond oil and massage your eyes with your fingertips. Tomato and lemon juice is also very helpful. Take tomato and lemon juice in equal quantity. Apply this on affected area with cotton ball and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.  Do this remedy twice a week for better result.

tips to gain weight fast

Top 7 Easy Tips to Gain Weight Fast

Like weight loss some people wants to gain weight and look beautiful. This is just because those people have lean bodies and have no shape of their bodies. They try a lot of tricks but failed to gain weight. The following tips to gain weight fast will help you to get desire result:

  1. Eat more and more. Try to eat cheesy and fatty foods, because cheese is very helpful to gain weight.
  2. Don’t drink water before your meal, it fills your stomach and you will unable to get more calorie and will eat less.
  3. Try to use bigger plates for your meal.
  4. Drink coffee with sugar and cream.
  5. Add proteins and carbs in your diet instead of veggies and fruits. Protein helps to build muscle.
  6. Drink weight gainer shakes.
  7. Lift up a heavy weight and increase your stamina.

benefits of lemon

Benefits of Lemon for Health

Lemon is full of vitamin C and this vitamin is very helpful for human body. As with health lemon has also many benefits for skin and beauty. It is low in calorie. Sour taste of lemon makes your food tasty. Most of people use lemon with warm water. This lemon detox water is very helpful for weight loss. Here are some benefits of lemon for health:

  • Warm water of lemon helps to improve your digestion system.
  • It helps to purify your blood and boost immune system.
  • For healthy and glowing skin it is very useful. It maintains your complexion.
  • Use of lemon in your daily diet cuts extra fats from your body and make you smart and healthy.
  • It maintains your blood pressure level in a moderate way.
  • Lemon is also very helpful to cure common cold.
  • People who are suffering with joints pain, should use lemon because it helps to reducing the pain from knees and joints.

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benefits of mustard oil

Health Benefits of Mustard Oil (Sarson ka Tail)

benefits of mustard oil: It is extracted from mustard seeds. It is commonly used in foods and pickles. People mostly known mustard oil as sarson ka tail. As use in foods mustard oil also has many health benefits which are given below:

  • Skin health: it provides smooth and healthy skin, helps to remove dark spots.
  • Stop Sweat Glands: use of mustard oil help to stop over sweating. It help to maintain the temperature of your body.
  • Heart Health: it is full of with mono saturated and poly saturated which helps to maintain cholesterol level in the body and prevent you from heart strokes.
  • Digestion: it helps to boost the appetite and improve the stomach system which promotes the excretion system.
  • Hair Growth: mustard oil is full of with minerals and vitamin A, which is excellent in hair growth.

healthy eyesight

Remedies for Healthy Eyesight

Healthy eyesight is the need of every person. Nobody wants to wear eyesight glasses. To keep your eyesight healthy you should follow some instructions:

If you are smoker then stop smoking because smoking damage your optic nerves and macular degeneration. Wear sunglasses when you go outside. Harmful rays of sun can damage your eye vision.

Avoid to use smartphone and computer screens for too long. It will promotes dry eyes, blurry vision, headache and eyestrain.


Home Remedies to Remove Whiteheads

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Whiteheads are produced by oil and dirt on face. To remove this,

  • Make a paste of tea tree oil and aloe Vera. Apply this on your face and wash it off after 15 minutes.
  • Apply toner on your face regularly. Rose water is a best toner. But if you feel irritation with rose water you can also use cucumber juice for this purpose.
  • Take two spoon of oatmeal, one spoon of brown sugar and one spoon of honey. Make a thick paste of these ingredients. Apply this mask on your face and smoothly scrub it. Wash it off with water and apply toner.
  • Try to keep your skin clean and oil free. Keep your hair clean because, hair produce more oil on your face.

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benefits of oranges

Health Benefits of Oranges

Health Benefits of oranges: There are many reasons that we should eat oranges in our diet. Oranges are low in calories but have many nutritional benefits for health. It prevents you from cancer. Recently a study defines that consume of orange juices and banana may reduce the risk of cancer. The vitamin C in orange helps to promote heart health and lower the risk of heart strokes.

As we know vitamin C is also good for skin, so oranges have great impact and benefits for beautiful skin. It also helps to reduce the cholesterol level in human body. Folic acid in oranges promotes the development and healthy brain of human.

Dry Cough

Get Relief from Dry Cough

Dry cough is caused by dry air and allergies. An irritation generates in throat which promotes cough. You may also feel pain in your lungs because of this. You can get rid of at home by using following tips.

  • Salt water: Boil a glass of water with one spoon of salt. Gargle with this lukewarm water several times in a day.
  • Hot Milk with Honey: Add some honey in milk and drink this before going to bed.
  • Turmeric: Add turmeric powder and black pepper in one glass of water and boil it. You can add cinnamon stick and honey for taste. Drink this in dry cough.
  • Lemon with Honey: You can also make natural syrup by adding two spoons of lemon and one spoon of honey. Use this natural syrup several time in a whole day.

Tip to Remove Scars Naturally

Tip to Remove Scars Naturally at Home

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Tip to Remove Scars Naturally: In young generation acne is major problem of every person. It is just because of dirt, pollution and misfortune in diet plan. When acne goes out it leaves bad scar on skin which make you feel shy in gathering. You can easily get rid of scars by using the following tip at home.

Baking soda has ability to remove scar. Take a small portion of baking soda and add some lukewarm water and make a paste. Apply this paste on effected areas and do massage in circular motion. After it wash your face with cold water and apply toner on your skin. Do this remedy daily for a week.

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cough remedies

Cough Remedies

Category : Mens & Womens

Cough is a sign of winter and it does arrive with the touch of winter.

Cough is respective and viral disease and it also can affect other people in your surroundings. It is a respiration disease that affects the lungs and chest. Usually cough is divided in to three categories.

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